Wednesday, 13 February 2008


Yesterday I got the box.
Early morning, bus to Waldbüttelsbrunn; Lichtlein Kartonagen is located in an industrial area.
Upon arrival, I see piles of cartons.
Dozens. Hundreds. Thousands of cartons.
Cartons here, cartons there. Cartons everywhere.
I enter the reception desk, where a lonely carton stands against the wall.
"Ich komme meinen Karton abholen," I say.
"Das ist diese. Wieviel hat man gesagt das es kostet?"
"Ich glaub, es sollte ungefähr acht Euro sein," I answer.
"Du brauchst wohl keinen Rechnung? Sonnst müsste ich gesetzlichte Mehrwertssteuer darüber rechnen."
"Es geht schon."
"Das wird dan acht Euro"
I pay the eight euro's and go back to the busstop; surprisingly, I have done all in 20 minutes and don't need to wait long. When the bus arrives, my carton doesn't fit in. It will go in the luggage under the bus.

Opening the carton. Buying tape. Throwing all in. Looking for a scale. Trying to weigh. Failing. Closing. Trying to weight. Too heavy. Getting a wheel out. Closing. Closing better. Closing very thoroughly. Ordering the pick-up for Wednesday morning. Realising I didn't fasten the contents.

Cleaning. Difficlt. Critical Hausmeister.

I am going to Kiruna.
My train will leave at 22:33.
I will arrive on Friday at 10:18.
I will change trains at Copenhagen, Malmö and Stockholm.
Let's hope all goes well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's hope das Pakett doesn't get lost then;)