Sunday 22 February 2009

Kebnekaise welcome day

Yesterday (Saturday) all students in Kiruna were invited to a "winter party" day. At 7:30 we gathered at Parkskolan and around 8:00 we entered the bus and left for Nikkaluokta.

In Nikkaluokta the road ends, and we continued by two means of transport: tracked vehicles (picture above) and sledges drawn by snowmobiles. Since the number of people signing up for the activity day was much higher than expected, a capacity problem arised. A group of people came early and had already been transported to Nikkoluokta, and some people were drawn behind the snowmobiles on ski's, with a slope.

Upon arrival, many activities were organised: transceiver search (avalance exercise), snowshoe hiking, having fun sledding down a slope, digging a snowcave, sawing ice from the snow. We also had lunch at the Kebnekaise mountain lodge.

The magnificent mountain world was around us. It was around -10 C, cloudy, a little bit of wind and a little bit of snowfall. Which was good, because the day before it had been -35 C. That would have been no fun in an open sledge behind a snowmobile.

The way back in the afternoon, in an open snowmobile.

Due to lack of capacity, Johan is drawn behind the snowmobile.

After arriving home, all students were invited to a three-course dinner and subsequently a party.

It was a great day and it is incredible that Kiruna companies sponsor this for >80 students (a small own fee, 100 SEK).

The day was extra special for me.

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