Wednesday, 29 August 2007

I'm on my way

I am on my way to Würzburg. I left this morning from Diemen and am sleeping in Enschede tonight, in my former apartment. Tomorrow morning I will take the train at 6:56 and travel to Würzburg via Gronau, Münster, Hamm, Eisenach, Meiningen and Schweinfurt: it was the cheapest option available. I would not have been able to catch the 6:56 train from Enschede if I had to leave in Diemen the same day, and I also had to hand-in my OV-jaarkaart and the keys for my room - tomorrow. My room is already empty, but my contract only ends per 31 August, so it's still mine. I've taken my camping mattrass and sleeping bag and put them on the floor. Most of my luggage (42kg in total) is in a lock in Enschede. Tomorrow getting up at 5:20. Goodnight.

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