Friday, 21 September 2007

The first two weeks

I have taken part in the German language Aufbaukurs for nearly two weeks now. We do a lot of grammar: Konjunktiv II, Indirekte Rede and Temporale Konnektoren. It's not really difficult, but it's intensive: 9-13, each day. I eat in the mensa each day afterward.

Since Monday I finally have internet. To get connected to the internet, I needed to wait for the Hausmeister to return from holiday, then make an appointment with him to fill in a form, and then wait another three working days until it was settled; all in all it took eleven days.

Today, the consortium universities presented themselves to us. What I'm most eager to know, however, could not be told to us yet: the possibility to do thesis work outside Europe (Action III). We will get information about that later.

This afternoon the first generation of Spacemaster students graduated at the Residenz in a nice hall (picture follows). I didn't have proper clothes but I went there anyway. It was interesting to be there and to see our examples: hopefully all of us will stand there in two years!

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