Monday, 3 September 2007

Room with a view

The trip to Würzburg, split over two days, was quite hectic. The second day involved changing trains six times, in Gronau, Münster, Hamm, Eisenach, Meiningen and Steinfurt; and then getting off the train in Würzburg. It took a long time, and the only delay was the last train. Würzburg Hauptbahnhof has no lifts, but there is a carrier belt for luggage next to the train. My big bag went on it without problems, but my bike did not. The hand-brake wasn't strong enough (all the stuff was still in the backpack) and the frontside flew upwards, nearly hitting somebody. I carried my bike off the stairs (quite heavy) and continued my way to the storage locks, arriving at 15:30. The small storage lock was slightly too big for my big bag, so I took a big one, which was way too large. Unfortunately, I lacked enough coins for the big one, so I went to buy a newspaper to have some change. When finished, I went on my bike and raced toward my destination; fortunately, I had looked on a map. It was steeply upwards, and with my backpack and bicycle-bag, there were two parts that I didn't make. I had to walk, and I was in a hurry, since I had to fetch the key before 16:00! I got stressed when I came upon a roadblock of the United States Military. I looked on my map, and indeed, I had missed the turn right towards Am Galgenberg, and ended up in the Rottendorfer Straße, that happens to run into Leighton Barracks. After having a look on my map, I raced towards the Studentenwohnheime Am Galgenberg, where I arrived one minute before 16:00. I phoned the Hausmeister and was handed my keys.

When I had settled the formalities and entered my room, I was stunned with the view.Completely stunned. Wow!

I used Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday to explore the university and the city. There were many things I had to buy: not just groceries, but also curtains, a cushion, garbage bags, a müesli box, a müesli bowl, mousemat, scissors, washing liquid... on Sunday I explored the neighbourhood, and cycled from Würzburg to Rottendorf, Effeldorf, Bibelgau, Dettelbach, Schwarzenau, Schwarzach am Main and Sommerach. I explored the camping sites Steigmühle. A beautiful trip.

Today was the first day of the Space Master course itself. More about this

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